Workforce Development


Workforce Development

Recruitment & Retention

The Recruitment and Retention (R&R) team provides active recruitment of health center providers and other staff through marketing health center career opportunities at job fairs, professional conferences, residency/training programs, through print/journal advertising, and online job boards.

The Recruitment and Retention (R&R) team also provides health centers with tools such as an annual compensation and benefits survey report to support health centers' recruitment and retention workforce efforts. Please contact Anita Mitchell for more information. 

Health Professional Education and Training (HP-ET)

Texas Association of Community Health Centers (TACHC) is working hard to increase provider recruitment and retention. One way to do this is by encouraging and facilitating health professional education and training (HP-ET) in our community health centers.

TACHC’s HP-ET initiative enhances health centers' capabilities to recruit, develop, and retain their workforce by exposing health and allied health professions students, trainees, and residents to education and training programs conducted at health centers. For more information, contact TACHC’s Health Workforce Development Coordinator, Lisa Anaya

Leadership Development Series

Texas Association of Community Health Centers (TACHC) received funding from the Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) to implement the Leadership Development Series for Texas community health centers.

The yearlong team-based program for C-level HC executives helps teams work more efficiently, effectively, intentionally, and with greater success.
To learn more about the program, please contact Amanda Doenges

Ready to get started?

TACHC Recruitment and Retention Services provides recruitment assistance to over 300 service delivery sites across the state. TACHC is dedicated to providing essential support to our members which are providing primary health care to Texans who are most in need.

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